What is a Magic Truffle?
Magic Truffles are the by-product of magic mushrooms, and just like magic mushrooms, Magic Truffles contain the psychoactive substances Psilocybin & Psilocin. A network of mycelial threads grows under each mushroom. This mycelium is a fungus species with a white, thread-like structure. Under the right conditions, mycelium produces mushrooms, and under certain mushroom species, truffles are formed in the mycelium.

Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms are actually the fruiting bodies of certain types of fungi. Some Magic Mushrooms strains also produce Magic Truffles in this mycelium network. These truffles are a compact mass of hardened mycelium in which the food and water are stored for times when the growing conditions are not optimal.
There are approximately 200 different types of magic mushrooms that have been found to contain psilocybin and psilocin. And only a handful of these mushrooms can produce magic truffles.
What is a truffle?

Essentially a truffle is the fruiting body of certain species of fungi, the truffles are formed when the mycelium hardens, mycelium is a underground network of thread-like hyphae(the vegetative part of a fungus) the mycelium network underneath a fungi are basically the roots for a mushroom.
The difference between magic truffels and magic mushrooms
The difference between a Magic Truffle and a Magic Mushroom is very small, except that they look completely different, a mushroom grows above ground and a truffle grows underground. They both contain psilocybin and psilocin, the amount of psilocybin and psilocin depends on the species, quality and whether it is dried or not. The effects are basically the same and depend on the amount of psilocybin in the strain you consume.
When harvested, Magic Truffles consist of 50 to 70% water. After the truffles have dried, you only have about 30 to 50% of the original weight left, and this varies by type. Compared to magic mushrooms that consist of 90% water after picking. Magic Truffles and Mushrooms lose psilocybin when dried, but 1 gram of dried mushrooms or Magic truffles contain much more psilocybin than 1 gram of fresh truffles or mushrooms.
What are the effects of Magic Truffles?
The effects of magic truffles are relying on a couple of factors like species, dosage, quality, and yourself, why does it say yourself? because every truffle trip is different per person it’s a very personal experience where you can find your inner self.
but here are some common effects:
For more information about the effects of magic truffels and mushrooms visit: The effects of magic mushrooms and truffles
How long does a truffle trip last?
Normally it takes 30 – 60 minutes to kick in, then gradually your trip starts to climb up then you’ll be peaking for about 2/3 hours, and eventually, after 2 to 3 hours you start coming down.
I’d say a normal trip last about 6 hours before your sober again but it all comes down to how strong the truffles are and how much you ate.
Are Magic truffles legal?
In the Netherlands are truffles with psilocybin legal, but in most country’s not. Will you get in alot of trouble for psilocybin truffles, somewhere where its illegal? probably not but they can seize your product. At TripTruffle we pack our products discreetly and ship it where ever you want, however check your country’s laws en regulations on Magic Truffles or they might seize your product.
How to consume Magic truffles?
You can consume them in multiple ways like: straight up chewing them, mixing it with regular food like a pizza or in a spring roll if you dont like the taste, you can also make a nice pot of tea and if you find all of the above horribly tasting then dont worry because you can blender the truffles and put them in a capsule.
Are psycho-active truffles addictive ?
There is no real evidence that psycho-active truffles are addictive or not but I can tell you from experience that:
After taking magic truffles you are not like come on let’s do this again! no, you are more like wow! this was a very intense experience I’m not going to do this anytime soon again.
How do they work?
The psycho-active compound in magic truffles is Psilocybin.
When Psilocybin gets processed by your body it gets converted to Psilocin, wich has hallucogenic effects that are in some aspects similar to LSD(Lysergic Acid Diethylamine), Mescaline and DMT(Dimethyltryptamine).
Where do we buy our truffles?
We buy our truffles straight from the producers like MushMagic to cut out the middle-man, so we can offer them at the lowest prize possible.